Saturday, June 21, 2008


The new shoes inspire me to think about life as a never ending quest for doors. It is two months since the artichoke run and I have been dogged by injury. Or so I thought, as one run after the other left me in discomfort, that smooth flow of passion and energy eluding me. It was the shoes that did it. The earth feels soft and springy beneath me as I set off on Page Mill Road, I feel whole again, strong, good vibes flowing.

It is hot. The brown of the hills around me and the relentless sun in the clear blue sky remind me this is a desert. Though my legs feel strong I soon realize this will be a difficult run. A patch of cloud gives me a brief respite that pushes me over the long hill, and then I am sailing down the slope towards I280, and am soon at Arastradero Nature Preserve. Two women at the water fountain eye me with concern. I realize I am drenched in sweat, tired, frazzled by the heat.

Doors that open quietly on well oiled hinges, revealing new vistas, bringing us closer to the unknown. It is wonderful to stand before a new door, push hesitantly on it, see it yield, a crack showing light beyond. As one steps into the light, one knows not what lies ahead. There is mild trepidation, a little hesitation, some small fear of the unknown; however, there is also a thrill, a quickening of the pulse as one gathers oneself to plunge into new discovery.

The sun beats down harshly as I take the gravel path past the little lake and enter the hills. It is hard work and I allow myself walking breaks. Then there is the long downhill through the lush green trees, cool, serene, as I feel my legs relax and let go.

The rhythm is back. I let me mind shut down and keep pace to a metaphysical metronome, succumbing to the pleasant fatigue, moving forward in a daze; no more conscious thinking. The road goes by and I float.

So much of life lies before us. I look forward to the wonderful times in the days ahead as new doors open. I am enthused, energized as I run through the trees on Old Page Mill Road.

Miraculously, a cool breeze springs up to shelter me on the last stretch. The promise of pleasant discovery as I step over the threshold.